Who We Are
The staff at Raven has a diversity of “hands-on” management experience including former employees of the U.S. Forest Service, the Environmental Division of Fort Polk, and a Fortune 500 forest products corporation. Our Project Managers also have the necessary academic qualifications, including two Masters and four Bachelor degrees – all in the natural sciences. The combined teamwork, experience, and in-depth knowledge of our biologists, botanists, wildlife managers, GIS specialists, regulatory compliance specialists, and field technicians allow Raven to provide quality environmental services to a wide variety of clients and industries.
Permits, Training and Certifications
Incidental Take Permit — Raven may legally engage in activities that have the potential to harass or result in death or injury to an individual red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) under Section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, RCW Recovery Office, Clemson, SC.
Certified Trainer — Raven is a certified trainer for all management activities associated with the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, RCW Recovery Office, Clemson, SC.
Bird Banding Permit — Raven may legally capture, handle, band, and/or tag birds within the United States. U.S. Geological Survey, National Bird Banding Lab, Laurel, MD.
Prescribed Burning — Certified Prescribed Burn Management, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Baton Rouge, LA.
Wetland Delineation — Certified Wetland Delineation, Wetland Training Institute, Glenwood, NM.
Best Management Practices — Best Management Practices training and former instructor, Texas Forestry Association, Lufkin, TX.
ArcView GIS — ArcView 3.2 and ArcView 9.1 training, ESRI, San Antonio, TX.
Scientific Collection Permits — Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas.
Accolades and Associations
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Lone Star Land Steward Award, Pineywoods Region — Cook’s Branch Conservancy, a large privately owned property in Montgomery County, Texas, was the 2004 winner of this prestigious statewide award. Raven is the prime consultant.
U.S. Department of Interior, Conservation Service Award – Temple-Inland, Inc., a Fortune 500 forest products company, was chosen as the 2004 recipient of this national corporate award. Raven was the prime consultant for several of the conservation programs recognized.
Peer Reviewed Publications — Raven employees have published more than twelve peer-reviewed scientific research articles involving various faunal and floral species.
State Habitat Conservation Planning Committee(s) — Raven Environmental Services, Inc. has served on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Regional Habitat Conservation Plan for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in the Pineywoods of East Texas and also served on the Louisiana Statewide Red-cockaded Woodpecker Habitat Conservation Plan committee.
Professional Associations — Raven and/or its employees are members of: The Wildlife Society; Texas Forestry Association; American Association of Professional Landmen; ArcUser and ArcNews; SIDA, Contributions to Botany; Native Plant Society of Texas; Wilson Ornithological Society; and the Association of Field Ornithologists.