- Long Distance Homing of a Translocated Red-cockaded Woodpecker
- Geocarpon Minimum (Caryophyllaceae), New to Texas
- Effects of Fire on Two Pitcher Plant Bogs with Comments on Several Rare and Interesting Plants
- Brown-Headed Cowbird Parasitism of Wood Thrush Nests in Eastern Texas
- Influence of Cavity Availability on Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Group Size
- Winter Abundance of and Habitat Use by Henslow’s Sparrows in Lousiana
- Notes on Two Species of Agalinis (Scrophulariaceae) Including Agalinis Harperi, New to Texas
- Yucca Cernua (Agavaceae: Series Rupicolae), A New Species from Newton and Jasper Counties in Eastern Texas
- Swainson’s Warblers nesting in early seral pine forests in East Texas
- A Second Population of Agalinis Navasotensis (Scrophulariaceae) Confirmed from Tyler County, Texas
- Dimorphotheca Sinuata and Zinnia Violacea (Asteraceae), Two Escaped Cultivars, New to Flora of Texas